Basic malfunctions of the Siemens dishwasher

Modern appliances, including Siemens dishwashers, have become an integral part of our life. It helps us to save time in the kitchen and have fun.

Basic malfunctions of the Siemens dishwasher
Basic malfunctions of the Siemens dishwasher

There are many reasons why a dishwasher can fail. Identifying and understanding the first “symptoms” will help determine the cause of the malfunction in the dishwasher and eliminate it.

Causes of malfunction and methods of their elimination

We bring to your attention the frequent breakdowns occurring in dishwashers, as well as solutions to these problems.

If the Siemens dishwasher does not work at all

  • First, you need to check the integrity of the fuses and the switch. This allows you to make sure that none of these elements are broken. Be sure to check that the power cable is firmly inserted and that the power plug is working.
  • Check the integrity of wires, cords, and similar items for breaks or damage. If there is one, then such a cable or a cord must be replaced.
  • If the above options have not helped, then, most likely, the mechanical element of the dishwasher is broken. Check the latch on the dishwasher door.
  • Check the operation of the door, switches, timer, engine typewriter, and other items. All of them must be intact.

The electric motor buzzes, but the dishwasher does not turn on

Inspect the filter and drain hose for debris. If there is one, then you can clean it by removing the hose (filter) and treating it with a strong head of water. It is necessary to inspect other elements of the dishwasher. Check the drive belt for integrity and wear.

The dishwasher is not filled with water

  • It is necessary to check whether the water is being flown to the dishwasher and that there are no leaks.
  • It is necessary to check if there are bends in the hose that prevent water from flowing to the dishwasher. It is worth paying attention to the door latch, the float and drain valves. Perhaps they are out of order.
  • Check the integrity of the drain valve. It consists of a rocker and a solenoid. It is necessary to take the rocker and move in different directions. It must move without any interference. If not, the springs may be damaged and require immediate replacement. If the rocker is not damaged but does not move, then you need to replace the solenoid.
Author: David Hoover